Walking on Sol (2022) is an apocalyptic vision of the world through the Persian myth of an ancient fortress and a giant gluttonous worm. According to the myth of Haftvād and Ardeshir, the destruction of the worm is believed to have sealed a permanent curse on the city by causing drought and desertification. Eventually, the city would be destroyed.
Using digital technologies, the project turns its gaze towards the myths and lullabies from the ancient world to point out parallels within the cyclical nature of human history and question greed, the desire for expansion, and a humanized vision of the current world that had resulted in desertification of the planet.
Music and sound by Ramin Roshandel
Lullaby by Unknow
Three-channel video installation:
- Two-channel synchronized video (7 min - Loop).

- One-channel immersive experience (Infinite duration).